Sarah won, because she didn’t believe there was a chance for her to win. She went out on the ice to have fun. Boys, that is where you are today. You no longer have to worry about winning.
Robert Wilson
Chill Out
THE UN-COMFORT ZONE :The Reward is in the Eye of the Beholder
In the early 1970s I was a young teenager who was completely caught up in the Zeitgeist. I admired the long-haired rebels and radicals who were engaged in protesting the establishment and developing the counter-culture. I didn’t really know what any of that meant, but to me it was all about empowering youth and declaring our independence from the adults.
THE UN-COMFORT ZONE -The Examined Life
What motivated us? Knowledge. We made the same discovery that led Sir Francis Bacon to make his famous quote in 1597, “Knowledge is power.” We were empowered by what we had learned, and it gave us the confidence to take a risk we would never have taken before.
Tony and Becky didn’t last very long, but I refused to give up those wonderful conversations and started showing up just to hang out. Over the years, I realized that whenever my own life got a little stressed, I was drawn to the Healan household. Once there I would just sit and listen to Mrs. Healan’s stories and absorb her serene energy.
THE UN-COMFORT ZONE: Sometimes You Have to Rip the Cover Off the Book
When you discover someone’s passion, you have discovered what motivates them. And, that is the key to communicating with them in the most productive way possible.