Dear Readers, Supporters , Friends, & Associates As we again renew our new year’s resolutions we must take with courage joy and put all of ourselves into a new body and get ready to live purposely as we choose . My dear community and readership we wish you all the warmth and goodness this New
Happy New Year
Hope For The New Year
on December 30th, 2020
Let the sunlight shine upon everyone and fill us with the burning energy of hope and optimism and remain protected by the Almighty One through the holy spirit.
Ten Simple Secrets for Making 2011 Your Happiest Year Yet
on January 31st, 2011
Playing to your strengths brings real happiness. And when you combine those strengths with a desire to do something good, it’s a double whammy.
Beat The Drum Joyful New Year 2018
Join Us 2018 As we celebrate our 10th Anniversary milestone of executing our mission we would like to partner with like organizations and associates and invite you to upcoming event. Our theme I AM ROOTED – The Opportunities Lie Within. The event will take place on Friday, January 26, 2018 from 6pm-10pm at Heritage Hall, 3102 Main Street,