being President of Ghana are now working to use democracy to correct the mistakes of yesteryears; and that democracy is cutting Rawlings to size and subjecting him to the rigours of democratic tenets as any other Ghanaian
Finally, Jerry Rawlings Gets Democratic Shower
on July 20th, 2011
Under the Siege of Prophetic Trance
on July 10th, 2011
Ghanaians are hooked on some prophetic drug and find it difficult to rehabilitate them. This has put Ghanaians are on some sort of permanent prophetic high. It has become a real development threat, making the prophetic genie hard to be put back in the bottle.
The limits of Tandja’s stupidity
on March 2nd, 2010
Tandja was mired in the African traditional superstitious belief that he is the only one chosen by God to rule Niger in a country of immense poverty where 61 percent live on less than US$1 a day and stuck in disturbing record of coups, assassinations and on-and-off rebellion by its nomadic Tuareg group.
Africa and the Culture Question
As progress act, Africans are questioning their culture in terms of their advancement. The strategic issue of culture in Africa’s progress is gaining momentum.