By Renford Reese, Ph.D : Nelson Mandela was the greatest symbol of humanity in modern times. His story is inspirational on multiple levels. As South African president Jacob Zuma stated, “Our nation has lost its greatest son. Our people have lost a father.” Mandela was the nation’s first black president. He founded the armed wing
The best is yet to come
The President’s personal leadership style is that of self discipline and a commitment to positive self-belief of having confidence that he can succeed by staying true to his ethics, remaining optimistic even when the odds aren’t great and by not letting fear of failure get him down. He believes that the brightest days are still ahead.
African Athletes Make A Strong Showing in London
Fifty-three African countries participated in the 2012 OIympic games held in London from 27 July – 12 August. Ten African countries took home medals (two for the first time). Some athletes have become instant heroes in their home countries. Below are some of the highlights
My African Diary
My journey began one year ago when I decided to go to a developing country to discover the culture of that land and how people live who don’t live in a country which has got so many materialistic values like the western world.
Who Is Black?
Lacking a secure and positive sense of personal worth we try to elevate ourselves by putting other people down even to the point of regarding them as subhuman. We cannot love the other unless we love ourselves
Portrait of a Coloured Past
What a story. What a life. It’s been filled with hardship, hard work, triumph and tragedy. Rose’s character sums it up at the conclusion of the prologue to “Lost Lesotho Princess.”
Celebrate Black History Month
Black History Month event is about education youth of all colour in the Lower Mainland about the historical impacts blacks have made in Canada, North America and beyond. The education system in the Lower Mainland at most schools does not offer enough education to its students during the month of February on Black History Month
The Daily Graphic and the Enlightenment
It was the German thinker Karl Max who observed that the human mind is linked by invisible thread. Marx could be interpreted in many ways but the sense here is how rapid the Ghanaian enlightenment movement is briskly spreading among Ghanaian elites, both at home and in the diaspora.
Empowered Youth The Miyanda Drum and Dance Group!
These empowered young ladies show their warmth, love and community spirit to all. They are a wonderful group and a great example to others.
Tools for Growth in Our Afric Communities
The Afro News respectfully introduces this piece and asks readers to consider its content across time, as well as across the waters. We continue to remember the incredible upheavals and to look forward to the rebuilding of Haiti as one of the key pieces in the matrix of both the Afric world and the global context.