As fellow child of Africa and a proud British Columbian, I am so grateful for the remarkable contributions that Honore Gbedze makes to the African community in British Columbia.
African community
Letter to the Editor
on December 21st, 2012
The Necessity of Africa Community Integration into Canada
on October 14th, 2011
The forefront of community development, strategies vital to bring about positive and prosperous integration of citizens is a key focal point. If we turn our minds to history, we can see that every day citizens can drive change and organize a new direction for the community.
Developing Cross-Cultural Leadership for the African Diaspora
By Frank T. Scruggs: The Afro News International The African Diaspora has many issues that are not unique to one faction. A large number of African people sometimes think that the problems of the entire African Diaspora are a responsibility and a universal obligation. In many cases this holds true but effective leadership locally is