By Diane Dutchin The Afro News Vancouver
If I was to ask for a raise of hands that would be somewhat visible in the cyberspace world, I am confident that the percentage of hands raised would be higher than those not raised. The question is “do you love yourself; even like yourself?” The truth is; most of us genuinely love ourselves, yet our actions can sometimes be misinterpreted to say we don’t even like ourselves.
How many times have you heard this familiar quote “you are what you eat”? obviously not enough to move the masses into making healthier changes. And what about the information overloads that is available in the health and fitness industry to get our attention? Still not persuaded that you are what you eat? So what will it take to get our attention or at the least a clearer and simplified understanding that we have 100% control over our life and we can begin right now to take healthier steps to improving our lifestyle?
I am constantly baffled by how much care and attention we give to monitoring our financial investments, our cars, etc yet we forget or don’t see the need to invest into our health by caring for our temple. Listen, the reality is if we don’t have a fit healthy body and mind we’re not going to be able to fully enjoy our financial and other material investments.
Here are a few reasons why nutritional eating should always be in style
1. It reduces the aging process
Think about all the preservatives and chemicals that are packed into the foods we consume on a daily basis. Wonder what it’s doing to your digestive system and the work involved to digest all that crap? However, consuming foods that are free from preservatives and chemicals is easy to digest because our bodies were designed to process only non preservative and chemically laden foods.
2. It reduces body fat
Another popular statement “your body is made in the kitchen not in the gym” is 110% true. Here’s a simple test to prove me wrong – eat all the unhealthy foods, hit the gym and see how much better you’ll feel and look. I’ve worked out like a horse, and also ate like one (too much and the wrong foods) with the minimal of changes. However, when the right foods are introduced, with at little as 3 days a week working out intensively for 45 min, the difference is amazing.
3. You feel, look and are healthier
You take your car for a tune up and it runs so much better.
You fix the leak in your roof or make necessary renovations on your home and it looks like new.
You make changes in your financial portfolio and spending and you begin to see positive changes.
Well, the exact same results will be manifested when you take the necessary steps and begin to invest into your health. You’ll feel, look and be healthier for it. You know the changes you need to make so why not start now, you’ll be better for it.
Take this simple test
For the next two weeks make the decision to cut out all pop, processed, fried, fatty, white carbohydrates foods and sugars. Make the decision to avoid processed and chemical laden foods and instead consume foods like fruit, complex, and fibrous carbohydrates and drink lots of water. Take positive actions to prove you love yourself and you’ll find the benefits will encourage you to keep making healthier investments into your life.