Sending you many Blessings for the new year. Thank you for your loyal support and commitment as we journey together striving to make our home Canada the fulfilment of hopes and aspirations for all toward a healthy, good, and successful future.
We celebrate this year’s “Black History Month” and continue to advocate against bias, racism, injustice, and abuse in any form. Seeking transparency and reconciliation with the call for reform, we’re motivated to better serve and lead future generations.
There are some elements within our government Institutions at the local or Provincial and Federal levels that continue through attitude and behavior to create disadvantage for many unfortunate but ordinary citizens who must daily struggle to endure challenging hardship before becoming a story of homelessness, and in some cases drug addicts, helplessly depressed, or worse.
I’m asking myself “What type of world do I want my children to live in? What conditions do I need when I retire?” I hope after reading this, you will ask yourself those questions. The call is for each of us to do our part as citizens in building that better future we all need and desire.
About the author:
Honore K. M .Gbedze Creative and Energetic entrepreneur managing the successful development and growth of The Afro News, a subsidiary of Privilege Group Holdings. Visionary, and founder of charitable efforts to share resources Sage Foundation a non-profit organization whose purpose is to recognize excellence in community service, leadership or multiculturalism.
Honore says, “I always believed that education was the most critical for building a strong, vibrant and competitive Canada for the next generation to be ready to lead our Nation well in the coming future. Giving talented students an opportunity to excel would result in successive new generations of leaders. We can do it with your support and invite joining us to make a difference.”
Honore received some prestigious Canadian awards he is a recipient of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal in 2012 and Nesika Business Award Winner in 2011.
TheAfroNews Celebrates “Black History Month”
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Greetings Beloved Brothers and Sisters
Sending you many Blessings for the new year. Thank you for your loyal support and commitment as we journey together striving to make our home Canada the fulfilment of hopes and aspirations for all toward a healthy, good, and successful future.
We celebrate this year’s “Black History Month” and continue to advocate against bias, racism, injustice, and abuse in any form. Seeking transparency and reconciliation with the call for reform, we’re motivated to better serve and lead future generations.
There are some elements within our government Institutions at the local or Provincial and Federal levels that continue through attitude and behavior to create disadvantage for many unfortunate but ordinary citizens who must daily struggle to endure challenging hardship before becoming a story of homelessness, and in some cases drug addicts, helplessly depressed, or worse.
I’m asking myself “What type of world do I want my children to live in? What conditions do I need when I retire?” I hope after reading this, you will ask yourself those questions. The call is for each of us to do our part as citizens in building that better future we all need and desire.
With Sincere Regards
Honore Gbedze
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