There is a word that is fundamental and appears in situations of importance to us – human resources, personal development as individuals and for communities as well as organizations and nations.
Why is this so crucial?
Because when trust is broken, everything is crushed and crumbled.
Success at any level comes down to this keyword. “TRUST.”
We see family, companies, communities, nations destroyed by not taking the lessons on this word of value to our core.
We are on the brink of breaking leadership globally as every day, every moment the shifts we see in our leaders and the language they use are not inspiring.
This is having effects on citizens, communities and nations.
People are stressed and resentments are building up this can describe the missing elements of Trust.
Unfortunately too many in leadership don’t take this direction as a shameful example.
Developed First world nations are losing the morality of the high principals once displayed. Never before in the history of humanity have we faced anything like this as our leaders start to openly disregard the rules of the governors constitution and this openly creating the void of much trouble ahead of the world’s democracy.
How did we arrive at this stage on the world’s platform of a leading democracy ? What example are we now setting for future governance? How do we regain the trust of the nation?
The highest point of self is in trust; we must remain trustful in everything we do to build a better society on all levels of leadership and government. Leading with trust brings dignity and this is a precious value of life.
About the author:
Honore K. M .Gbedze Creative and Energetic entrepreneur managing the successful development and growth of The Afro News, a subsidiary of Privilege Group Holdings. Visionary, and founder of charitable efforts to share resources Sage Foundation a non-profit organization whose purpose is to recognize excellence in community service, leadership or multiculturalism.
Honore says, “I always believed that education was the most critical for building a strong, vibrant and competitive Canada for the next generation to be ready to lead our Nation well in the coming future. Giving talented students an opportunity to excel would result in successive new generations of leaders. We can do it with your support and invite joining us to make a difference.”
Honore received some prestigious Canadian awards he is a recipient of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal in 2012 and Nesika Business Award Winner in 2011.
The Word That Matters Most: “TRUST “
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There is a word that is fundamental and appears in situations of importance to us – human resources, personal development as individuals and for communities as well as organizations and nations.
Why is this so crucial?
Because when trust is broken, everything is crushed and crumbled.
Success at any level comes down to this keyword. “TRUST.”
We see family, companies, communities, nations destroyed by not taking the lessons on this word of value to our core.
We are on the brink of breaking leadership globally as every day, every moment the shifts we see in our leaders and the language they use are not inspiring.
This is having effects on citizens, communities and nations.
People are stressed and resentments are building up this can describe the missing elements of Trust.
Unfortunately too many in leadership don’t take this direction as a shameful example.
Developed First world nations are losing the morality of the high principals once displayed. Never before in the history of humanity have we faced anything like this as our leaders start to openly disregard the rules of the governors constitution and this openly creating the void of much trouble ahead of the world’s democracy.
How did we arrive at this stage on the world’s platform of a leading democracy ? What example are we now setting for future governance? How do we regain the trust of the nation?
The highest point of self is in trust; we must remain trustful in everything we do to build a better society on all levels of leadership and government. Leading with trust brings dignity and this is a precious value of life.
Honore Gbedze
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