Some schools in Liberia are well supplied with materials because of the power one Canadian student asked a simple question Teacher and motivational speaker Jack Canfield tells us, “Take the risk to ask for whatever you need and want. If someone says no, you are no worse off than when you started. If someone says
West Africa
Airstrikes, Beheadings, Ebola, and Our Common [In]Humanity
What have airstrikes, beheadings, and Ebola got in common? Of all the reports that have dominated the international media during the past few months, perhaps the fearsome Ebola disease outbreak in West Africa, the gruesome beheadings of three Western citizens by Islamic States of the Levant (ISIL) and the US-led coalition of the willing devastating
Canadian Pharma Plays Pivotal Role Treating Medical Conditions in Africa
Actively contributing to more than 140 programs – from ensuring access to life-saving medicines to the construction of roads The Ebola outbreak in West Africa is unlike anything we have seen since the virus was discovered in the mid-1970s. It has afflicted too many people, and the death toll is climbing. There is no previous
West Africa’s Democratic Evolution -African or Western?
A democratic consciousness informed by West Africans’ gloomy history is helping to nurture the region’s democracy. The fundamental theme is using democracy to address development challenges in a region with high unemployment,
Give Some of Gaddafi’s Held Money to Sierra Leone and Liberia
What also makes sense, humanly, are some Sierra Leoneans and Liberians at home and abroad campaigning for some of Gaddafi’s apprehended money be given to their struggling country as mandated by the United Nations Special Court for Sierra Leone.
Emerging Accountability in West Africa
Whether in Sierra Leone, Liberia, Guinea Bissau, Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Nigeria or Mali, corruption saw the state helplessly spinning in mid air, gaping for accountability.
Understanding the Overloaded Police Service
Nowhere in Ghana’s budding democracy have any of its institutions being critically tested for fuller scrutiny than its police service.
Thoughts on the Charles Taylor Verdict
This point was always a difficult legal one, not least because the trial was not about the crime of aggression (which had not even been defined by the time Taylor faced the court). The indictment period did not even cover the origins of the war – the temporal jurisdiction of the court is from November 1996 to the official end of the war in 2002.