86 families now hold more wealth than the poorest 11.4 million Canadians Canadians might be surprised to learn that 86 families now hold more wealth than the poorest 11.4 million Canadians. Is this a Canada to be proud of ? Hardly. According to many studies, the Canadian poverty rate remains high. A recent OECD report
Get ready for America Saves Week
on March 9th, 2011
So many expenses, so few dollars saved. That’s the dilemma faced by millions of Americans – everyone from struggling college students to young families saving for a down payment to baby boomers approaching retirement.
Canada’s Income and Wealth Gap is Worse Than Ever
The latest data on income inequality and wealth paint a clear picture: the gap between the richest and poorest is growing New data out of Statistics Canada this month tells us what many Canadians already guessed: the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. The latest report on incomes and wealth