Bo Palmer, 22, has been selected in the 2012 CFL Draft by the Hamilton Tiger Cats. Having just completed his 4th year at SFU in Communications with one year left of NCAA eligibility, he would have to be drafted this year as a Junior or pursue CFL football next year as a free agent.
SFU Student and Former JBAA Winner Drafted By Hamilton Into The CFL
on October 9th, 2012
Comment Aider Les Elèves Africains Francophones De Colombie-Britannique a Mieux Reussir a L’école?
on November 16th, 2010
Il importe de souligner que la grande majorité des familles africaines francophones de Colombie-Britannique ont inscrit leurs enfants dans les écoles du Conseil Scolaire Francophone (CSF). Or, d’après les statistiques officielles, le taux de réussite est généralement trop bas pour cette catégorie d’apprenants : l’échec scolaire les touche de plein fouet.
Inspirations of Peace Recognized with YMCA Awards
on January 6th, 2010
In a brief, pre-presentation interview, Afshin-Jam said she was directing her speech at kids and youth. Her engaging speech gave step-by-step actions ordinary people can take to make change happen, in any cause or issue they believed in strongly. The event’s call to action captured as, “Think it.