We rise hopeful like every other time even when things seem impossible
Nelson Mandela
Happy 95th birthday Nelson Mandela
July 18th is Nelson Mandela International Day and Mandela’s birthday. The festivities included speeches by South Africa’s high commissioner Membatisi Mdladlana and McKell plus performances by the school’s steel band and classical guitarist Liona Boyd.
Nelson Mandela banknotes issued in South Africa
The first banknotes featuring the face of Nelson Mandela have gone into circulation in South Africa.
President Jacob Zuma says the banknotes were a “humble gesture” to express South Africa’s “deep gratitude”.
Cheap imported spirits fuel a generation of young drunkards
A medical doctor at the Avenues Clinic warns of a deadly link between the widespread abuse of these cheap, new imported alcoholic drinks that are readily available in most supermarkets, and the growing social problems especially among teenagers and young adults.
Personal Choices For Public Benefit of All People
I dream of the realization of the unity of Africa, whereby its leaders combine in their efforts to solve the problems of this continent. I dream of our vast deserts, of our forests, of all our great wildernesses.
Nelson Mandela: A Portrait of Great Leadership
Mandela taught us that the three most important concepts we should embrace are love, humility, and forgiveness—and the convergence of these ideals leads to reconciliation. His life embodied these principals.