We need to address contributing factors to homelessness, including mental illness, addictions and poverty Tonight, an increasing number of Canadians face the prospect of sleeping in a tent – not to welcome the summer camping season but as a last resort. Unlike regulated campgrounds, tent cities are without electricity, water and often bathrooms. These makeshift
mental illness
No One Should Die Anonymous and Alone
In early 2011, a man named Jean Francois died. Alone. Initially, he was undiscovered, as he was a recluse and therefore unknown to the people who would have passed him by, from time to time. He was invisible. He lived in the downtown east-side, that most infamous and misunderstood of all Canadian neighbourhoods. Jean Francois
Integrate Physical and Mental Health Services for Better Care
Individuals with both psychiatric and medical illnesses can’t get the care they need it because of the way health services are delivered Our health system often puts mental and physical health into distinct silos of care, yet no such mind-body separation exists in actual patients. Many individuals with chronic physical conditions simultaneously experience mental health
To Reduce Child Poverty Canadian Children Need a Champion
The time has come for Canada to adopt a child poverty reduction strategy A young girl is referred to a paediatrician’s office for her inability to pay attention in the classroom. The child’s teacher is concerned she has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and possibly, a learning disability. I was a second year medical student
The stigma of Mental Illness
One of the last examples of widespread institutionalized discrimination Getting treatment for a mental illness is often a lot more difficult than simply calling up your doctor and making an appointment. For many people it involves a painful process of accepting that they have a problem and being willing to expose themselves. Many people who
How Communities can Work Together to Prevent Suicide
The period of highest risk is during the first six months after the onset of a physical or mental illness The death of comedian Robin Williams last month sparked a worldwide discussion about suicide, its underlying causes and how it might be prevented. And, with World Suicide Prevention Day taking place Sept. 10, the subject
Serious Blues
Approximately 8% of adults, nearly three million Canadians, will experience major depression at some time in their lives. Most often it affects people in their working years, between the ages of 24 and 44. Worldwide, major depression is the leading cause of years lived with disability.
Assisted Suicide Expansion for Mentally ill Premature
82 percent of Canadians demand mental health reform before expanding assisted suicide Fix mental healthcare first. That’s a key takeaway from new poll results, which found that 82 percent of Canadians agree improving access to mental health care should happen before expanding “medical assistance in dying” (MAiD) to those with mental illness as their sole