Family vacations produce memories for a lifetime, but they can also teach kids great money lessons they’ll need as adults. Involving kids in planning family vacations not only helps them appreciate the overall benefits of travel, but offers an opportunity for even the youngest kids to learn lessons about budgeting, saving and essential money management
Will Your Kids Inherit Your Debt?

By Jason Alderman : Many people finally get around to writing a will in order to safeguard their assets for their heirs. But what if you’ve got the opposite problem: Your nest egg was decimated by the recession, bad investments or simply living longer than expected and now you’ve got a mountain of bills you
Identity Thieves Target Kids as Well as Adults

I’m sorry to report that child identity fraud is alive and well in 2014. If anything, the problem may be worsening as identity thieves devise new methods to steal – and use – children’s personal information. Most commonly, they’ll harvest kids’ dormant Social Security numbers (SSNs) and use them to illegally obtain jobs or open
Financial Advice for New Fathers

By Jason Alderman Each year when Father’s Day rolls around, I’m reminded that I wouldn’t trade the experience of raising my two kids for the world. But when I think back to how naïve my wife and I once were about the costs of raising children, I can’t help wishing we’d been better prepared. If
Helping Kids With the Transition Back to School
School can be a big scary place for kids of any age. But when you look for the signs and notice them, you can be a big help in your child’s transition back in September
Are your kids ready for a cell phone?
Anyone who’s ever had a flat tire or gotten lost can attest to cell phones’ safety advantages. On the flip side, unless you install parental controls, your child could access inappropriate content or be more vulnerable to bullying and predatory behavior
South African Magazine makes Math Cool for Kids
There is a great need in our country [South Africa] to inspire young learners to devote time and energy to Stem [Science, Technology, Entrepreneurship and Maths] subjects