Ses Defis Majeurs Et Des Voies De Solutions Par I Depuis presque deux décennies, le Canada accueille chaque année plus de 200 000 immigrants(1), alors qu’au même moment la province francophone du Québec en accueille plus de 30 000(2). Pour la seule année 2010, le Canada a accueilli au total 280 700 immigrants(1) ayant le
Problematique de L’integration Socioprofessionnelle des Immigres Africains au Canada

The Fiscal Impact Of An Aging Population On Canada

The effect of the demographic challenge differs between the two main levels of government An update on Canada’s demographic future from Statistics Canada confirms what is readily discernable through casual observation: our population is growing modestly and becoming greyer at an accelerating pace. Under three different scenarios modelled by Statistics Canada’s researchers – slow growth,
Adoption de règles plus sévères pour régir les activités des consultants en immigration et annonce du nouvel organisme de réglementation au Canada
Le gouvernement du Canada a promis de sévir contre les consultants en immigration véreux et leurs pratiques douteuses, et le projet de loi C-35 nous fournit les outils nécessaires pour accomplir cette tâche”, a déclaré le ministre Kenney.
“A New Place To Call Home”
Salsbury Community Society, making sure new immigrants receive proper living arrangements until they eventually become independent once they arrive in Canada.
HIV & AIDS: A Troubling Issue for Black Canadian Immigrants PART II
Recent statistics have indicated that HIV is at a crisis level in black communities in Canada.
A decade of rise in thinking
The gradual but rapidly budding Ghanaian/African enlightenment movement got remarkable boost from leading opinion leaders across Ghana, Africa and the international community.
Think Globally: Changing Population, Environment and Food
By Frank T. Scruggs M.A.Ph.D. The Afro News USA International When venturing away from one’s own city, town or village a keen sense of the vastness of the African Diaspora becomes apparent. Even more people of African descent populate our planet when serious consideration is given to Keith O. Hilton’s TALO theory which explores the
Understanding the Present Political Crisis in Cote d’Ivoire
Alassane Ouattara won the election in Cote d’Ivoire on November 28, 2010, is acknowledged even by his opponent, Laurent Gbagbo. The problem arose only because the constitutional council subsequently ruled against certain poll counts in Ouattara’s strongholds in the north of the country, for alleged election irregularities. But the council’s credibility is suspect.