Its assumption for proposing a home equity tax, that all homeowners are wealthy, is baseless The congregation I belong to enjoys a potluck meal after weekly services and likes to contribute to those in need in the community. When an elderly woman who looked like she really needed a meal started dropping in at lunchtime,
The Prohibitive Cost of Living in Metro Vancouver
on August 19th, 2017

The extraordinary run-up in real estate prices like the one experienced in the Lower Mainland raises the odds of a painful market correction How can people afford to live in Vancouver? That question came to mind as I struggled to catch up with the latest torrent of media stories on the Lower Mainland’s seemingly inexhaustible
New Mortgage Rules Protect Against Risky Loans
on May 7th, 2014

By Jason Alderman Good news for people shopping for a mortgage – and for current homeowners facing foreclosure because they can no longer afford their home loan: New mortgage regulations drafted by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau recently took effect and they provide a slew of new rights and protections for consumers. One of the