The B.C. premier and his Green Party puppet master have created a debilitating, ill-conceived mess over the Trans Mountain pipeline The political discourse surrounding Canada’s oil industry has morphed into a combination of schizophrenia, hypocrisy and fantasy. This debilitating countrywide phenomenon is clearly exemplified at both the federal and provincial levels. But it’s the recent
Green Energy
Climate Change: It’s Not The Science, It’s The Policy
on November 5th, 2014
The Real Issue Is Less The “Disease” Than It is The Proposed Treatment For Climate Change The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has released its latest “Synthesis Report” drawing together the findings of the most recent three-volume set of the Fifth Assessment Report. The Assessment Report is meant to be the last word
Letter to the editor
on April 1st, 2011
The anguish the people of Japan must be going through in the horrific aftermath of the earthquake and tsunami is unimaginable. Their calm stoicism and amazing resilience is to be greatly admired
The Toxic Truth Behind “Green Energy” Technologies, Cobalt, and the Exploitation of the Congo
If there’s a hell, it’s a teenage mother with a sick child strapped to her back, breaking rocks and putting them into a sack while she and her baby breathe in toxic dust. If she’s lucky, she’ll make a dollar or two and they will buy something to eat. They will both be dead in