Income tax is an industrial-era institution that won’t survive globalization and the digital revolution With all due respect to federal Finance Minister Bill Morneau, if you’re going to declare war on tax cheats, do it right. The truth is there’s a deep structural flaw in Canada’s (and every other country’s) income tax system. It’s rooted
Government of Canada
Canada Emergency Relief Supplies Arrive in Pakistan
on August 19th, 2010
The flooding in Pakistan has worsened considerably since the monsoon rains began. On August 14, the Government of Canada announced that it was increasing its response to up to $33 million to respond to the most urgent needs of people hit hardest by the floods
on March 15th, 2010
GO CANADA GO – Official Government of Canada site for the Paralympics. It provides up-to-date schedule-changes due to weather factors; ticket purchasing and some live feed for selected events that might NOT be broadcast by CTV. Canadians across Canada and Americans are frustrated that there is not more televised coverage for these games. 95%
Resolving the Housing Crisis – Governments and Stakeholder Collaboration is Key
Collaboration leads to the identification and implementation of best practices and serves as an effective instrument for non-inflationary economic growth.