Lose weight, tone your body, get fit, get healthy, become “beautiful”, stay young. There are literally thousands of diet and quick-fit programs out there. A lot of people seem to be on the never-ending quest to drop weight, gain muscle, conquer smaller dress sizes, and even return to a body of old. For many people,

By Honore Gbedze Long before any child is born no matter what the anticipation of the parents are, always and mostly freedom and peace is their wish for a bright and better world for their child. This bond is universal and remarkable until we reach the stage for the open world to realize there is
New On The Shelves
“He Served His Fellow Man: the Life and Work of Andrew Thomas Carr” by Joslynne Carr-Sealey. Published by Lexicon Trinidad Ltd., Available at A Different Booklist, 746 Bathurst St., Toronto.
Glimpses of gain and glory achieved in the Afric community with freedom
Glimpses of gain and glory achieved in the Afric community with freedom
What are you doing with your freedom?
Try to Remember
Memories can trap us in the past if our anchor becomes entangled in convoluted dark passages of our minds. “Yesterday will always be if I cannot cut it free,”
Personal Choices For Public Benefit of All People
I dream of the realization of the unity of Africa, whereby its leaders combine in their efforts to solve the problems of this continent. I dream of our vast deserts, of our forests, of all our great wildernesses.