Teaching personal finance topics can be immensely rewarding because the lessons are often immediately applicable to many students’ lives. Whether you’re comparing financial products, creating a budget or evaluating the cost of a loan, financial literacy provides the foundation to make a well-informed decision. Even so, many people get little to no financial education. According
Financial Literacy
Making Financial Literacy Fun
What important lessons will you teach your child this summer? Riding a bike? Sharing with others? How about teaching them important financial skills. Financial literacy may not immediately come to mind when parents think of essential skills for students, but what children know about money at a young age can shape the way they manage
Improving Women’s Financial Literacy, Worldwide
Women throughout the world face unique economic and financial literacy challenges. The key is for governments, financial institutions, educators and entrepreneurs to work together to devise financial tools and educational materials that can reach the female half of the world’s population – the younger, the better.