Election promises don’t mean much if there’s no basic grasp of economic policy behind them Elections are not the time to discuss serious issues. So said Kim Campbell, Canada’s first and so far only female prime minister. While her statement reflects the reality that modern media often simplifies political debates to short, digestible bumper sticker
economic policy
The Hard Truth About Soft Economic Policy

You don’t have to be an economist to know that rising interest rates will hurt a lot of Canadians but especially young families Over the past few months, the Bank of Canada has faced a terrible dilemma: keep interest rates low or raise them to combat potential inflation. It seems the decision has been made
Lack of Economic Vision Threatens Stability in Tunisia

Real democratic stability will fail unless economic policy shifts from milking an impoverished state to creating conditions for meaningful productive employment Tunisia’s National Dialogue Quartet, a coalition of four civil society groups, richly deserves the Nobel Peace Prize for shepherding Tunisia through turbulent times. However, the Norwegian Nobel committee, in awarding the prize, side-stepped the