If you’re over age 50 and not sure whether you’re going to be able to retire, it’s time to focus, get advice and build a realistic plan. You’re not alone. The U.S. Government Accountability Office recently reported that most households approaching retirement have low savings, adding that nearly half of households led by individuals or
10 Ways to Become Financially Independent
After the 2008 economic crisis, many people assumed they would never be able to reach true financial independence – the ability to live comfortably off one’s savings and investments with no debt whatsoever. However, individuals willing to use their time horizon to plan and adjust their spending, savings and investment behaviors might just find financial
Your Midyear Financial Checkup
Setting a few hours aside for a midyear financial checkup in June or July can help you review how you’re doing with savings, investing, spending and debt. It can give you the opportunity to spot irregularities and adjust your budget well in advance of year-end. If you already work with a qualified financial or tax
Debt and the Deceased:How Should Spouses and Heirs Proceed?
If your loved one died leaving significant debt behind, would you know what to do? It’s a worrisome question for everyone. Young or old, based on particular debt circumstances or geographic location, death with debt can provide significant problems for surviving family members. Depending on state law and the specific credit relationships involved, they might
Will Your Kids Inherit Your Debt?
By Jason Alderman : Many people finally get around to writing a will in order to safeguard their assets for their heirs. But what if you’ve got the opposite problem: Your nest egg was decimated by the recession, bad investments or simply living longer than expected and now you’ve got a mountain of bills you
Why Can’t Canada Also Address Student Debt?
America is taking a tentative step to help students. Canada needs to do much more to make post-secondary education affordable for all American President Joe Biden is wiping US$10,000 in federal student loan debt for those with incomes under $125,000 a year or households that earn less than $250,000. He is also cancelling an additional