Dear Lovely Mother Since the responsibility of motherhood was installed on you, you never walked away from this tremendous responsibility and challenge. You embraced it with pure love and gentle kindness. You demonstrated brilliant and courageous actions to provide the best care for all your children. Your relentless spirit of hard work and even as
Canada Behind Other Countries on Drug Safety For Children

Most medications prescribed to children have not been adequately studied By Martin Offringa and Terry Klassen The development of new therapies has provided our healthcare system with enormous advances, such as insulin for diabetes, antibiotics for infections or chemotherapy for many cancers. Yet these therapies may also cause potential harm, even death, so the benefits
Family Maters
The truth about failure is that everyone experiences it at sometime. Whether great or small, we will all have to face it to some degree. Failure in and of its self is not scary.
Kids in the Spotlight
The inspiration for taking the program abroad was a combination of bringing the project to different communities and cultures and offering a challenge to the youth interns who have been putting on the project for years, giving them a new experience to benefit their own personal learning and growth.
Bite of the Mango Sweetens Success for One Sierra Leone Woman

The Afro News Vancouver small to carry the weight of her experience and the story that results from it. Unlike many of the child victims of war, the horrors Kamara saw, the assaults on her spirit and the brutality she experienced from age 12, are now being read and discussed by young people the world
Battling child witchcraft accusation
If children are accused of witchcraft, who accused them? It is the pitiable adults, mostly from the children’s families. If is the adults, then the adults are unenlightened and aren’t aware of the destruction they are causing the youth and Africa’s future. And why will the adults entertain such beliefs in 2010,