Does little to address the guiding principles of the electoral reform committee and could result in less-competitive elections Despite recent musings by the prime minister that electoral reform – a Liberal campaign promise – may no longer be a priority, the parliamentary Special Committee on Electoral Reform will deliver a report by Dec. 1 on how to, well,
Why Our Governments Need to Address Poverty Now
86 families now hold more wealth than the poorest 11.4 million Canadians Canadians might be surprised to learn that 86 families now hold more wealth than the poorest 11.4 million Canadians. Is this a Canada to be proud of ? Hardly. According to many studies, the Canadian poverty rate remains high. A recent OECD report
Try to Remember
Memories can trap us in the past if our anchor becomes entangled in convoluted dark passages of our minds. “Yesterday will always be if I cannot cut it free,”
First Speaker Pro Tempore from Our Community
When we think about our great country, there are many things of which Canadians can be proud. One such trait is the diversity of people we live and work amongst. For multiculturalism is Canada’s badge to wear proudly.
Status Quo Defined Benefit Pension Plans For Government Employees Akin To A Blank Cheque
When such pension plans face shortfalls, the taxpayer is left to clean up the mess Since the turn of the millennium the ever-increasing cost to taxpayers of government sector pension plans has been made evident time and again. Contribution rates have been hiked, often doubling in one decade, or the plans have been partly bailed