Governments have to stop giving in to political pressures and focus instead the consequences of their economic policies for Canadian families Now that the federal election is over, several financial sector experts and economists are turning their attention to the Trudeau government’s promise to raise the corporate income tax rate for banks and insurance companies from 15
Canada Pension Plan
We Really do Need an expanded Canada Pension Plan

A significant proportion of future Canadian retirees are going to suffer measurable deterioration in their standards of living The case for an expanded Canada Pension Plan (CPP) is all about providing secure retirement income. The Fraser Institute recently argued that the federal government has failed to make a convincing case for CPP expansion. But any
If Governments Force Canadians to Save More for Retirement, Voluntary Private Savings Will Shrink

A $1 increase reduces private savings by around the same amount In recent years, there’s been a strong push to expand the Canada Pension Plan, and Ontario intends to launch an additional mandatory pension plan in January 2017. Yet the debate about expanding mandatory government-run pensions has largely overlooked the unintended effect on private savings.
Pros and Cons of an Expanded Canada Pension Plan

Governments would be wise to remember making changes to the CPP is a very complex issue A new report came out recently that reiterates what we’ve heard from other sources: Canadians aren’t saving nearly enough for retirement. The Deputy Chief Economist of the CIBC warns that, without pension reform now, younger workers today will see boost home support program rates
British Columbians with disabilities and high-intensity care needs will have more choice and flexibility in care options, thanks to an increase in hourly support rates for the Choice in Supports for Independent Living (CSIL) home support program.
Pensions for public sector out of whack
In reality, we have a two-tiered compensation system. Do the same job in the public sector and you can earn more, take more time off, and retire earlier with a bigger pension.