The fact that Douglas was a person of colour does not always get mentioned in articles about him.
British Columbia
B.C. Needs to Step Up its Game on Innovation

A nimble economy requires innovation in such areas as tax policy, an educated workforce and immigration policy The economic and business environment in which British Columbia operates is shifting and changes are necessary if the province is to remain vibrant. A number of trends are transforming the global economy. The principal forces identified by the
Statement from James Moore

Thank You Balancing family responsibilities while in public life is always a challenge. This is particularly true when you have a child with special needs. Recently my wife and I received some difficult news about the health of our beautiful son Spencer. While I have every confidence that Prime Minister Harper and our Conservative Government
The Afro News -TAN Winner of Provincial Nesika Awards B.C.
THE AFRO NEWS-TAN was the winner of the 2011 Nesika Award under the Business category for operating a business that embraces Diversity. ‘Nesika’ is Chinook for ‘we, us, our’. It comes from a trade language used by many different Aboriginal linguistic groups along the west coast of North America.
Letter to the Editor
Energy is the fundamental building block of human civilization. Without energy, civilization would not be possible and we would be lost. That’s why basic scientific research into such matters is so essential even when you cannot predict where it will lead.
Canucks is ready to win the Stanley Cup
It is wonderful to see the Vancouver Canucks at this stage of the play off games. Their hard work and determination and full spirit of togetherness and collective play, prepares them for the challange of each game they take on. The only thing all their fans want is to see then win the Stanley Cup
La conférence de John Ralston Saul sur la langue de la citoyenneté – un compte rendu
Pas facile de faire la promotion de la dualité linguistique sur la Côte Ouest maintenant que ces Jeux sont terminés. Ce n’était déjà pas facile avant et pendant. Différence cette fois-ci : un auditoire sympathique voulant désespérément entendre de bonnes nouvelles en matière de français après les lendemains de la veille et s’y être tant investi antérieurement.
Sage Foundation saw its official launch on Friday, January 29, 2010 at a by-invitation dinner at Metrotown’s Hilton Hotel.
Interview With Barbados High Commission Sir Evelyn Greaves
Barbadian contributors in Canada that have done a tremendous work in our society. Their works and profiles should be recognized and are being captured in a book that will be released in November 2010 in conjunction with the Barbados Independence Day. This