Africa’s connection to the World’s History from Ancient China to Canada’s Parliment.
Black History Month
Nova Scotia’s Black Senator reminds us of the importance of Black History Month
In Canada, Black History Week was first officially recognized in the early 1950s when the Canadian Negro Women’s Association successfully petitioned the Toronto city council to acknowledge the week.
Celebrating Dr. Cater G. Woodson, Founder of Black History Month
Africa Heritage Month was initiated in 1926 as Black History Week by Dr. Cater G. Woodson, a Harvard professor as a modest attempt to recapture and restore the stolen, distorted and maligned history of people of descent. In the 1960s the week was extended to a month. His tireless efforts to restore the distorted history
A Celebration of Black History Month With Wadada Leo Smith
On March 7, I was honoured to have The talented composer and musician Wadada Leo Smith ( call in at 1:30 pm PST for an special Black History Month with his beautiful music and his advice to the world. The oratorio to Rosa Parks was breath taking. It is so important to honour the heroines of the past
Empowered Youth
This is the first of a series on Empowered Youth and the work that they are doing for the world. There are so many amazing youth in the world that are doing great work and are often unsung heroes or heroines . If you know anyone who is helping their community, empowering others or bringing
Canadian Citizenship Ceremony Comemorate Celebration of Black History Month
February 26 2016 Canada Citizenship Ceremony Vancouver Guest Speaker Honore Gbedze Publisher of The Afro News Bonjour Madames et Monsiours, Jeune Filles et Jeune Garçons, Cher compatriote Citoyens et Citoyennes C’est avec une grande honour et privilège que je vous adresse ce matin tout en vous congratulate de votre citoyenneté. Today we are celebrating you
The Ninth Floor, a Powerful Film of Race Relations and History
A must see film and special interview with Selwyn Jacob! The Ninth Floor, a powerful film of race relations and history, produced by the well known Selwyn Jacob; written and directed by Mina Shum will be shown at the Vancity Theatre, February 15-16 at 6:30 pm. Please go see the film! The Ninth Floor
TheAfroNews Celebrates “Black History Month”
Greetings Beloved Brothers and Sisters Sending you many Blessings for the new year. Thank you for your loyal support and commitment as we journey together striving to make our home Canada the fulfilment of hopes and aspirations for all toward a healthy, good, and successful future. We celebrate this year’s “Black History Month” and continue to advocate against bias,