Summer in the City Vancouver and Ontario – July/August
Caribbean Days Festival: July 21 ,27-28, 2013
Trinidad & Tobago Cultural Society of BC presents the 26th annual Caribbean Days Festival. This event draws a crowd of exuberant fun-lovers to North Vancouver’s Waterfront Park for a weekend of parading, dining and dancing in the sunshine.
This is a weekend of tropical rhythm, cuisine, carnival and culture. Contacts Victor Bryan Festival Manager (778).438.2068
Free Workshop: Education System in BC: Post-Secondary Education
July 23, 2–4pm North Burnaby Learning Centre, 103–4181 Hastings Street, Burnaby
The difference between public and private institutions; student loans, bursaries and grants; distance learning; credit transfers; living on residence or at home; entrance requirements for UBC, SFU and UVic Registration required. Please call 604 254 9626
DPS Summer Camp : An exciting camp for adults who play or would like to discover drums/percussion.
With a wide variety of instruments participants will learn rhythms from Africa, Brazil, Cuba & Spain.
Teachers will be able to apply practical ideas for the classroom and use music as a vehicle
to experience and teach cultures, history, humanities, and civilizations.
1 WEEK – MON TO FRI JULY 15 – 19, 2013 . . . . Morning, Afternoon or Evening
1 WEEK – MON TO FRI AUGUST 12 – 16, 2013 . Morning, Afternoon or Evening
For More Information and To Register Contact David/DPS Phone: 604-254-2315
July 19-21 The Vancouver Folk Music Festival
Line-up of artists on tap to perform at the festival’s beach-front site in Jericho Beach Park in Vancouver. Sixty-six artists and groups from over a dozen different countries, and with roots in many more, will gather together in the park for 3 days of concerts, collaboratory sessions and workshops. The festival runs Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights, as well as all day Saturday and Sunday, with seven daytime stages, and early evening and Main concert stages.
ESM Summer Weekend August 24 & 25th at Edmonds Community School.
Celebrating Kenya’s 50th Year of Independence
For information on this ESM Event please contact Kombii Nanjalah @ 604-789-4212 or Maughan Mariani @ 604-788-6874.
By michelle-lee : Scotiabank Caribbean Carnival Toronto is set to provide three weeks of entertainment, mas, great food and lots of party-time. The following is a list of the major events / Beaches boardwalk July 26-28
July 9 Official Launch at Nathan Phillips Square – 12 PM – 2 PM. Special guests.
July 20 Junior Carnival presented by Chevrolet – 12PM – 6 PM – Downsview Park (this is a new location for this event this year.)
July 25 Scotiabank Summertime BBQ – Eglinton Square Shopping Mall
July 26 Festival Gala – Liberty Grand Entertainment Complex, 25 British Columbia Rd. Toronto. Formal Dress. Mas models, music, dancing, dinner, jump-up party, awards, Cost: $160.00 includes dinner, awards, and jump up after party.
July 28 Calypso Monarch Finals – 5PM – Chinese Cultural Centre (P.C. Ho Theatre) Ticketed event
Aug. 1 King & Queen Competition and Show presented by Chevrolet. 7PM – 12AM – Allan Lamppost Stadium. Also the Ontario Science Centre awards a special prize for the best environment use of material in a costume.
Aug. 2 Panorama (Pan Alive) 7PM – 12 AM – Allan Lamport Stadium – ticketed event
Aug. 3 Grand Parade – From Exhibition Place along 3.5k of Lakeshore Blvd. VIP seating, tents, marketplace. Controlled areas
Aug. 4 Beyond de Lime (check site below for information).
For more Caribbean Carnival event and ticket information
Other Events:
July 3 & 6 Bruno Mars – Molson Canadian Amphitheatre – info/tickets:
July 17 Jay-Z and Justin Timberlake – Rogers Centre
July 19-28 Beaches International Jazz Festival – Woodbine Park July 19-24 / Kew Gardens July 27-28 / Beaches Boardwalk July 26-28 / Street Fest July 25-27 – For more information on all venues, performers:
July 21 Beyonce – Air Canada Centre
Aug. 4-5 OVO 2013 Festival – Drake, Frank Ocean. At the Molson Canadian Amphitheatre. Tickets @