Having a strong affinity for his community, Kingsley Cato a Native of Markham, Ontario has worked on a number of self funded initiatives that aim to improve the lives of Afro Canadians; from his Elite Optimum Savings Card program, launched in 2002 with a view to help Community business growth through the card’s discount savings program, which encouraged patrons to support community businesses., to his Marketing Firm which helped fortune 500 companies capture the nuances and ideals of Afro Canadian culture through advert creative campaigns, to his most recent creation; the National Black History Month Expo; the latter of which Kingsley views as his greatest accomplishment. (www.bhmexpo.com)
The BHM expo is held annually to celebrate the history and contributions of Afro Canadians. The event consists of a National Prayer breakfast where community elites gather to pray for the Afro Canadian community and all Canadians. Following the National prayer breakfast is the Success Summit where several qualified presenters share experiences and knowledge with young and young at heart community members with a goal to improve learning and build self esteem. The day culminates into a Grand cultural celebration concert event which boasts representation from a cross section of the Afro Canadian community.
Kingsley is a community leader like no other who describes himself as someone who generally prefers to work from behind the scenes and enjoys country living and quiet time with his wife Ann-Marie and two young daughters Kylie and Kataleya.
Kingsley presently functions as a senior executive of Black Idea Medical a medical devices manufacturer/distributor located in Vaughn, Ontario. (www.blackidea.ca)