While I know that I can’t set goals for other people, I have a list of suggestions to make a priority for improving your personal finances. Some are simple, many are potentially impossible, several you’ll have heard before, but hopefully a few will spur you to action with positive effect:
1. Reset your passwords and make them stronger
2. Take full advantage of job benefits
3. Unsubscribe from email sales and deals alerts
4. Automate your savings
5. Take advantage of free financial planning tools on your bank’s website
6. Embrace do-it-yourself projects
7. Give more meaningful, experiential gifts
8. Decide what kind of investor you want to be and stick with it
9. Revisit your retirement, spending, and investing goals and ask yourself ‘why’ before ‘how’
10. Create an organized, centralized home paperwork and document filing system
11. Openly talk about money and financial goals with your partner; baby steps recommended
12. Use your various credit card points, prepaid expenses, gift cards
13. Pick up an enjoyable second job such as teaching a second language, garden clean-up, or editing
14. Get a complete insurance coverage audit
15. Update your Will, choose a guardian for your kids, an executor, and power of attorney
Heather Holden, PhD, CIM
Wealth Advisor, ScotiaMcLeod
604-661-1523 (direct)
1100 – 650 West Georgia