1 organic green leaf head of lettuce
2 small organic Roma tomatoes
1 organic small red onion
1 organic avocado
6 organic small boiled potatoes
8 black olives – pitted
1 small shallot
2 table spoons balsamic vinegar
1/4 cup crumbled feta cheese
2 tea spoons French mustard
Fresh oregano & thyme
Pure Canola or olive oil
6 oz Fresh Albacore Tuna
8 Fresh Tiger prawns
Wash the organic lettuce leaves. Dry and remove the heart. Slice the Roma tomatoes. Cut the black olives in half and slice the avocado in quarter pieces, finely slice the red onion into rings.
Season the tuna with sea salt and ground black pepper. Sear the tuna in a hot fry pan for 5 minutes on each side remove and set aside. Add the tiger prawns in the pan and sautée them for another 5 minutes.
Toss the lettuce, olives, tomatoes, potatoes, avocado, red onion; add the feta and the vinaigrette. Slice the tuna into thin slices add the cooked prawns, dress your plate and serve.
In a food processor, combine the French mustard with the oregano and thyme, chop the shallot finely and add to mustard mixture infuse the oil slowly and blend all. Add the white balsamic vinegar, season with salt & pepper.