Hollywood Profile : Newcomers can make quite an impact on people no matter what walk of life they appear in. Artists are no exception and perhaps better represent this phenomenon. Out to make her mark on the silver screen after a convincing career in the musical arena is Janelle Monae. Currently on view in the inspirational Hidden Figures enjoy this captivating woman as she helps to delve deep into one of the most dramatic times in American history. Not bad for a lady who grew up in Kansas City and has never looked back.
Our story begins back in Dec. 1, 1985. Good looks must have been In her genes as a little later on in life our subject made waves as a model. Doing well in music also came easy as Janelle proved a quick study in music becoming a music sensation in the process. Our main focus here, and likely Janelle’s biggest exposure will come from film work.
In Hidden Figures Janelle comes on strong, Very strong as an upstart engineer at NASA who would become instrumental in helping the American space agency get a man into orbit. Those days were rife with segregation and Afro Americans had a very tough time getting ahead or being treated equally. Hidden Figures shows this impeccably well and Monae’s performance here is heartfelt and electrifying,
Early on cinema fans would have noted Janelle’s memorable work by hearing her music on the soundtrack for such hits as The Equalizer, Rio 2, Friends with Benefits and Happy Feet 2. Based on her on screen persona in Hidden Figures look for this five foot natural dynamo to soar to new heights.