Idris, who turns 15 in December, is an orphan who lives with his grandmother and a cousin in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Africa. His hope is to become a mechanic, but his grandmother cannot afford the fees (C$385 a year for the next three years). Both Idris’ parents have died. Raising two of her grandchildren late in life presents many challenges to this grandmother. Shiloh Place Orphanage Society – a small, all-volunteer group based in the Coquitlam home of its founder, Chantal Kasongo – is looking for a sponsor for the $385 that would allow Idris to return to classes this September. “Sponsorships can be paid annually or quarterly ($96 if paid four times a year).
Ideally, we hope to find a sponsor able to commit to three years of sponsorship”, says Kasongo. “But if we can find someone able to commit for the 2024/2025 school year, that would give us time to look for another sponsor to cover the final two years of his course. It would mean Idris could return to class this September, and his studies would not be interrupted. Can your family help Idris?”
Tax-deductible receipts are available for tuition donations. For more information about the work of Shiloh Place or our student sponsorships, see or contact Shelagh, 604-415-9397 or
Celebrating Literacy
On Sunday September 8th, Canada – along with other UN member countries – will mark International Literacy Day. This date celebrates the important role of literacy – reading, writing and numeracy skills (the ability to understand and work with basic arithmetic). Literacy “opens doors to knowledge and broad skills, increases one’s understanding of and respect for others, and allows us each to work toward a more just, peaceful and sustainable world” (UNESCO).
Millions of adults and young people across the world lack the means to achieve an education or even basic literacy skills. They are then seriously limited in employment opportunities, vulnerable to exploitation, and miss the joys of recreational reading or creative writing. Volunteers for Burnaby based Project Amhara Foundation (PAF) are working toward filling literacy gaps in rural northwest Ethiopia. They are fundraising here for donations that will purchase age-appropriate books from Ethiopian publishers to encourage reading in schools in the region PAF serves.
Will you celebrate International Literacy Day and give thanks for your own capacity to enjoy and benefit from reading by making a donation to PAF? $25 will place a book in the hands of a young person in Ethiopia, encouraging their teachers and helping show young people the lifetime pleasure and value of becoming a fluent reader. Donations can be made by e-transfer to or by cheque mailed to Project Amhara Foundation c/o 6589 Randolph Ave. Burnaby, B.C. V5H 3W3. Please put “to sponsor a book” in the message space of your e-transfer or cheque. For more information, Eyerus, or Shelagh at 604-415-9397 or Thank you for choosing to celebrate Literacy Day, September 8th, by sharing your enjoyment of reading with a child in Ethiopia!
By Shelagh A