Whether you’re planning a future procedure or navigating care after a sudden illness or accident, smart consumers have a plan in place to avoid hidden costs and billing errors common to our ever-changing healthcare system. You should too.
The Affordable Care Act (http://www.hhs.gov/
It’s also important to know that many health insurers are adjusting to the reality of universal coverage by narrowing the assortment of doctors in their networks, leaving more patients at risk of “surprise” (http://kff.org/private-
There are some helpful resources – both public (https://www.medicare.gov/
So what can you do to prevent these unexpected health costs? If you are not on Medicare, (https://www.medicare.gov/
Know how you’re covered for both emergencies and non-emergencies. It’s easier to plan for a hip replacement you’ll need in six months than for emergency surgery after an accident or sudden illness, but it’s important to think through how your coverage works in both situations:
- Emergency: Emergencies are a challenge to price because it’s tough to know which practitioners and services you’ll actually need. The key is to make a plan for emergencies. Speak to your insurer now – and consult your primary care physician – to confirm that you have a good range of in-network emergency doctors at the hospital of your choice. If not, you might want to think about switching plans during your next enrollment period. Put an easy-to-find “in case of emergency” card in your wallet next to your health insurance card that makes your preferred hospital visible to first responders or other helpers. Also, list your primary care doctor’s and your health care power of attorney’s (http://www.
practicalmoneyskills.com/ personalfinance/experts/ practicalmoneymatters/columns_ 2016/0606_Estates.php) contact information. Finally, make sure the person you designate as your health care power of attorney has access to your insurance and physician network information so he or she can guide your care more affordably if you’re incapacitated. - Non-emergency: If your doctor is recommending a particular in-hospital or outpatient procedure in the coming weeks or months, you’ve got time to plan, so do it. Query your physician or his or her billing department about the cost of the procedure and what other practitioners (such as an anesthesiologist) might be involved. Then spend equal time speaking with your insurer about what you’ve learned and how extensively the procedure in question will be covered. Make sure you understand if your insurer covers the procedure on an inpatient (hospital) or outpatient (office) basis – some insurers are reportedly cutting back (https://www.washingtonpost.
com/business/economy/ employers-push-limit-of- obamacare-by-excluding- outpatient-surgery-in-plans/ 2016/01/21/94537954-bbc5-11e5- 99f3-184bc379b12d_story.html) on outpatient coverage.
Know your deductible. The latest annual Kaiser Foundation employer health benefits survey (http://kff.org/health-costs/
Review bills closely. One recent study (http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/
Bottom line: There are very few industries going through as much change as healthcare. Universal coverage is good, but it’s important to know exactly what it pays for before you need it. Set aside time to think through your health issues and do your research to help reduce healthcare costs that can impact your overall budget. Learning to save money now can preserve your budget later.
By Nathaniel Sillin
Nathaniel Sillin directs Visa’s financial education programs. To follow Practic