By ROBERT WALDMAN The Afro News Vancouver : More often than not Canadians have a hard time making it in the world of show business. Many would be actors head to Los Angeles in search of gold. Toronto born Cle Bennett proves the exception to the rule. Film goers north of the 49th parallel should honour this bright light Jamaican import who continues to build a following whenever he appears on the big or little screen.
Another Montreal born superstar, Mordecai Richler, is the latest writer with whom Cle gets to share some screen time. Hot as a pistol, Cle gets a coveted role in the famed Canadian icon’s Barney’s Version that includes among other a diversified cast with Dustin Hoffman, Rosamund Pike and lead actor Paul Giamatti. Among these stalwarts Cle gets off some of the best most memorable one-liners.
Busy on stage and on screen Cle also benefits, as do many actors, from voice-over work in between bigger gigs. And with an ace voice he’s also appeared in major ad campaigns for the likes of Coca Cola, Wrigley’s Chewing Gum and the Ford Motor Company. Never one to turn his back on his home country this funny fellow has done numerous television series as well as appearing on stage on the Toronto circuit. So good are his credentials that he’s received Genie nominations for work on screen and been a role model and inspiration for those Canadians still trying to make it in show business.
Among Cle’s screen credits are Treed Murray and Animal while television work includes appearing on Soul Food and The Line. So whether it’s playing a hard hitting drug addict or a riotous comedic friend our Mr. Bennett has range which more and more people are coming to appreciate.