Editor Note
It’s the time of year to again first stop and give gratitude for the many blessings we received throughout this wonderful year in the hope that many more will come in the New Year 2015 that is on the horizon.
We all know the challenge of integration which does not come easy to any generation or individual. Those who remain determined and hard working will always succeed no matter what the challenge is; which is often assailed with a variety of feelings, hidden pain and emotional trauma that you will encounter on your quest to success.
For sure it will always require major sacrifice and a build on patience and confidence as you cannot achieve everything at once it will take time to build and perhaps even rebuild.
The process of reaching your success is to remain focused; never deviate from your path at the end you will reward yourself with the wonderful result of mastering a fulfilling life experience task.
It doesn’t matter what shape, color or creed you come from opportunity will always be there. The struggle to achieve will take a brave effort and commitment-keep your head high and maintain your focus.
Keep your options open for any opportunity and never underestimate anyone. Keep a smile on your face and in your heart all the time.
I wish you all great health and prosperity in the New Year 2015 with much needed peace in all Communities around the world; therefore remain an instrument of Peace!
Bonne et Heureuse Annee 2015
Honore Gbedze
Publisher/ Editor