By Diane Dutchin The Afro News Vancouver
I am always in awe at the timing of words in ones’ life. We should never, ever take for granted the power we have within us to lift or pull someone down by simply activating the use of our mouths to release words, or the use of our hands to pen words, and we should always choose to use our words to lift others up. In saying that, I do acknowledge that there will be times when based on the circumstances, we don’t. In moments of anger or hurt we sometimes say or write the wrong thing, that we usually regret to some degree later, and that is understandably so.
However, we can all relate to those moments in our lives when we read or hear certain words that lift us, and gives us hope. Those are timely moments that touch us deeply and encourage us during the rough patches of life to keep strong, to keep hope alive and to never quit.
Sometime ago I was fortunate enough to have such a wonderful experience – I was getting tired about doing a certain task, when I opened a piece of mail and read the words “hang in there”. I instantly realized that those words came at the opportune time, and it was in connection to my present situation.
Those words still replay in my thoughts when I find myself getting mentally, physically, or emotionally tired. Hang in there! Obviously there are times when we need to do the opposite; let go of destructive relationships that are going no where, and are keeping us stagnant. So to you out there wherever you’re at and whatever you’re going through, may these words bring you some sense of hope and peace as it did me; if you know it is worth the fight “Hang in there”!