BC retiree Dr. Brenda Trenholme’s epic fundraising cycling adventure across Africa has passed the 1/2 way point. Brenda is undertaking a 4 month, ten country, 12,000+km trip by bicycle from Cairo, Egypt to Cape Town, South Africa, fundraising for scholarships. “High school is not free in Kenya”, Brenda says. “As a result, many clever, committed students are denied the opportunity to attend. I want to change that for some of the bright, very poor youth in western Kenya served by KEEF (Kenya Education Endowment Fund) – a BC-based, volunteer run educational charity. 100% of donations for my ride will go to the students’ education.”
A student can attend high school with tuition, books, room and board covered – for $600 a year or just $50 a month – through KEEF (www.kenyaeducation.org). Donors who are unable to fund a full scholarship may contribute any amount to Brenda’s ride and these gifts will be combined to assist students. As well as tuition and books, funds can be used to cover a student’s medical or dental emergencies or to provide items such as calculators, atlases, or dictionaries not supplied at the school.
Brenda blogs: “We are woken daily at 4:45AM to prepare ourselves and our bikes, pack up our gear, breakfast at 6AM to be on the road by 7.” From the Sudan “108degrees – nine hours of demanding, body jangling…washboard…roads” and “The huge pumpkin globe of the sun that rose at dawn heralded by the Muslim chant and a…cacophony of camels groaning as they were being loaded…donkeys braying, sheep and goats bleating and roosters crowing.” From Kenya – “38 degrees and steady wind… The howling [of hyenas] kept some of us awake last night.” From Tanzania – “spotted our first wild giraffes today….47 degrees with high humidity.”
Follow Brenda’s Ride on her blog at brendainafrica.wordpress.com/ Support her efforts at www.kenyaeducation.org. Tax deductible receipts are available. Please mark your donation Brenda’s Ride. If you wish to donate to honour someone’s birthday, graduation, or other special event, an attractive gift card can be requested. For more information on the cards, email shelaghag@shaw.ca or call 604-415-9397.
Offer encouragement to Brenda Trenholme and hope to bright Kenyan students who cannot afford the fees to attend high school there. Help change a life and that person will often, in turn, support the education of others in Kenya after graduation. Thank you!/Asante Sana! from Brenda, the students, and all KEEF volunteers.
Contact/photos: Shelagh Armour-Godbolt, volunteer, KEEF (Kenya Education
Endowment Fund), 604-415-9397, shelaghag@shaw.ca