Written by Diane Hartman
I was surfing through the channels one night and landed upon a drama series; didn’t even catch the name of the show but was taken in by this one particular clip/scene “a young man was seeking his community votes for cause, and they basically wanted to know why they should give him their support. He took them to his home and on every mirror in his home had this word posted to it “Faith”. Questions were obviously raised as to why this word was posted to his mirror, and his story went something like this. “My dad raised me to believe that as long as you have breath, that you are empowered to have faith. Faith in yourself to reach your potential and every time you look in the mirror and see that word, you’re looking at yourself and see Faith”
The lesson I took away from this is simple – faith is a living thing and in the same way we’re all equally given 24 hours a day, we’re all given the same measure of faith. Faith keeps us going when things get rough! Why are the faiths of some stronger than others? Exercise! If we choose to exercise our faith, it will grow and if we choose not to, it remains weak. Some could argue that they don’t have faith, but we all operate in faith every day even if we don’t acknowledge it as faith. Daily task like sitting, turning on the tap, investing, moving, reaching for a dream, to accomplish a goal takes faith.
Faith according to the Bible comes from hearing and doing – so what are you tuning your ears to hear? And what actions are you taking? Reminds me of the decision I made two days ago – to stop reading the newspaper; filled with way too many sad, negative news and not enough uplifting ones. Why? Because I noticed that there was a drop of my mental state after reading the newspaper, so why subject myself to things that are not uplifting?
The point I want to make regarding faith that when it’s put to work becomes a beautiful thing. It gives you a lift, it elevates your mental state to a higher plane that causes you to raise yourself up, and declare, “yes, I can”. So make the decision today to strengthen your faith by exercising it, put it to work, by building yourself up, and weed out the things and people around you that are pulling you down.
Faith when activated is a beautiful thing!