In our recent editorial meeting several questions were raised regarding the October election call and the future of our country.
The most relevant question is where is our country heading as our economy overall is struggling to recover leaving citizens in limbo of worry and uncertainty?
Given the opportunity of our democracy and progress even though we have advanced as a developed country; there are still much needed openness and debate in some key issues we face in the 21st century. We can pretend to be a smart developed country and ignore some of the fundamental issues we face collectively or have real debate to get the answers to progress and win the race of democracy for our Nation not the race of the political party.
Democracy equals debate without it there is politics.
Much concern of the issue we face in our society is corruption even though we don’t like to say it or recognize it, it is taking root more often now everywhere in business, economic and social affairs. This troubling issue will collapse our democratic system sooner or later.
Giving a wide open door to foreign investors without overviewing what they’re doing concretely in our society. The abuse that is taking place in this system is clear danger and our leadership must be clear on this issue of debate.
The remaining question is of choice and principle and the trust of citizens towards the leadership, what will it come down to and who will be the real voice to lead Canada with a confident government team forward.
Simply said – Let us never forget that the government is ourselves and not an alien power over us. The ultimate rulers of our democracy are not a Prime Minister and Senators and Government Members and Officials, but the voters of a country.
Let the ultimate ruler be in charge of the debate this will progress our democracy.
Honore Gbedze
Editor /Publisher