by Diane Dutchin
The Afro News Vancouver
We live in a world where it is easier to blame others for either our screw ups, lack of achievements, discipline, or success and if we’re unhappy with where we are we won’t need to look far to find someone to blame. The color of our skin, our upbringing, our parents, our boss, our partner, our government, struggles with our lack of weight gain or loss, and the list goes on.
Being a part of the ever growing fitness industry I hear of and see the continual battle of the “bulge” which becomes a war within ourselves and can feel at times like we’re like a gerbil locked in a cage spinning our wheels without reaching the goal we have set before us.
We’re live in a world of over excessiveness both in fat and overwhelmed with too much information on what is required and what it takes to get healthier, aka lose that excess body fat.
Let’s get real here, no one is to blame for the excess fat we may carry around and no one can get us healthier but us. When I find myself unhappy and unhealthy as a result of my weight, then I am responsible for making changes in my life to get healthier, and work towards getting the results I desire. Quick fixes that are readily available are only temporary bandages that give you a superficial sense of accomplishment for a short period without permanent effect.
The most important piece of information you need to know is this
• First it is up to you and no one else
• You must be mentally ready to make changes to ensure your success so get mentally ready.
• keep a journal worth of 1 week of eating and exercising this will show you what changes you must make to get the results you desire
• set a start and end date with realistic and challenging goals
• clean up your eating and drinking – more fresh fruit and vegetables, lean protein, complex and fibrous carbohydrates, and drink more water
• consume smaller meals 4-6 per day and do not skip breakfast
• Find an activity you enjoy and move intensely for at least 5 days a week for 30min minimum.
• surround yourself with people who will be a positive support – at least one person you’ll be accountable to
Here are 4 steps that has helped moved me and my clients to become empowered to a Healthier Lifestyle Change
• Mind in Gear
Having the right mindset in place plays an important role for achieving success and obtaining optimal results in any area of your life. The image of where you’re going should be clearly outlined in your mind. It’s been said that everything is created twice – first in the mind, and then manifested outwardly. Without this picture firmly in place, you’ll be on a journey without a clearly marked destination and you won’t know when you get there. If your mind isn’t ready, the efforts put forth will produce minimal results and discouragement will soon set in. Therefore it is imperative to get your mind in ready mode prior to beginning this journey.
• Nutrition in Place
Having the right food in your home is essential to your fat loss success.
Remember 80% of your fat loss success and body transformation is based on how clean your nutritional plan is.
Remove the barriers by cleaning out the junk food and anything that you know would tempt or hinder your fat loss success. That is also applicable to the people in your life too – stay away from people that will unknowingly or knowingly try to sabotage you on your journey towards a healthier you.
A popular quote that is circulated in the fitness industry says “your body is made in the kitchen not the gym” has been proven to be 110% true.
Replace your fridge and cupboards with Fruits like apples, berries, water melon, (especially apples, they’re high in fiber, fills you up, curbs your sugar cravings and uses more calories to burn fat than any other fruit with the exception of fresh berries)
Add more Vegetables like – Spinach, broccoli, string beans, fresh vegetable juice (the greener the better) and squashes to your food intake.
Protein like – Eggs, egg whites, chicken & turkey breasts, and chicken & turkey sausages (make sure they’re low in sodium and fat). Lean ground turkey, chicken and extra lean ground beef, tuna, salmon, and beans are excellent protein choices.
Free meal (breakfast, lunch or dinner) – one day per week (you decide on the day and limit your alcohol intake to 1 alcoholic beverage or 1 dessert)
• Exercise in Action
You have to take action to get results, results come when you move. We don’t have to dig deep or look far to come up with excuses as to why we didn’t get a workout in, or ate right that day. Every time we make excuses we delay the fulfillment of our results, and if we keep coming up with excuses often enough, we will eventually talk ourselves out of living a fitter healthier lifestyle. Trust me, I’ve been there and done that – finally awoke to this truth “I was self sabotaging my progress and lying to myself”
Your exercise plan should be visible; not just in your head and heart. It needs to be written down so that you can see what your action plan is for today, and the weeks ahead. Having this tool will help you process/visualize your workout in your mind before you practically do it. It will also help you to see week by week what is working best, what may need tweaking and how you’re progressing, and what cardio and or strength training plan is giving you the best results
• Goals and a Plan in Place
Goals, goals, and goals – “a plan intended to achieve”. It is imperative to make attainable but challenging and specific goals. If your goal is to go on a trip, to pursue a career, to purchase a home, to save a certain amount of money, you would have a plan on how you intend to accomplish those things right? The same principle applies to your body transformation. What are your goals? What plan do you have in place to get you there? Remember, don’t set a goal based on someone else’s dream, create your own and again make it attainable, challenging and specific with a deadline in place.
In a nutshell you now have enough ammunition to be successful at regaining control and improving your health.
Don’t put off regaining control over your health; make the decision to start now you’ll be healthier for it.
Diane Dutchin
CFT Fitness Trainer