A ballroom beautifully set, decorated with classic black and white linens, the lights dimmed just so but the stage is bright and ready for action!
Congratulations to all the nominees of the 20th Leo Awards.
Three nights of Lights, Cameras and Red Carpet roll outs celebrating 20 years of Vancouver’s prestigious Leo Awards wrapped last Sunday, June 3rd at the Hyatt Regency Hotel. From hi-fashion to casual attire and even a little crazy everyone put on their Sunday best and headed out to attend one of Vancouver’s most honored award events of the year.
During our Red Carpet interview, I asked twins Jacqueline and Joyce Robbins (A series of Unfortunate events, wicker Man), what an event such as the Leo’s meant for our film community here in Vancouver and their response…
“It means the BEST!” “When everyone comes out to celebrate everybody else then we know we have a real ‘picture’ in this province. It gives everybody support, gives everybody validation and it gives everybody hope. There are a lot of projects that are being shot here.”
“We can stand up with any film community anywhere in the world and we are proud.”
Nominees for Best Dramatic Series for ‘Van Helsing,’ Producers Chad Oaks, Michael Frislev and Christopher Rudolph of Nomadic Pictures second the ‘feeling of validation’ of the Leo awards adding being nominated is, “…a testament to our writers room and our directors and all the lovely performances of our actors and actresses on the show and in particular the hard work of the BC crew.”
With so much talent under one roof my challenge is always, which interview to highlight, but one team in particular and the story they’ve told really captured my heart. Local Producer and Leo nominee for Best Short Drama: Shanyn Maguire and Director Krit Komkrichwarakool talk about their film ‘Free Fall’ with absolute sincerity and passion. A story about two people forming a relationship at a time when one is dying of ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) and ‘only having that moment that they meet.’
“… what I love about the characters is that they are in very different places in life, one is having a creative block and the other is needing to feel love again because he’s passing away from a terminal illness, when they find each other they give each other that strength that they need before one of them leaves this world.” Shanyn Maguire.
Plans of a Feature Film are already in place for this nominated dramatic short.
I wish them the very best and I hope to see them back at next years Leo Awards.
Thank you to all the hard working volunteers and the sponsors of this event!!!!
Aaaaahhhh… what a night!
Thank you Leo.
You can check out the official social media for the 2018 Leo Awards on facebook, twitter or instagram @ Leoawards #LeoAwards18.
Elizabeth Lavender
Actress Reporting