Primary Students:
* Confirm what time school will start on the first day.
* If your children are going to a new school, check with the school to see what information or identification will be required on registration day.
* Get your children used to the back-to-school routine before the first day of school by having them shift to their school bedtime and wake-up
routine a week before school begins.
* Have your children choose their outfits the night before the first day to help start the morning calmly and efficiently.
* Find out how your child’s teacher communicates with parents and take advantage of the opportunities available.
* Get involved in the school community. Contact your local board of education or the Parent Advisory Council at your child’s school for volunteer opportunities.
Intermediate/Middle Students:
* Review your children’s class schedules with them to ensure all of their classes are correct.
* Help your children figure out a plan for getting to class on time, especially if classes are at opposite ends of the building.
* If your children are going to a new school, encourage them to check out the school before their first day. Have them locate the gym, library,
cafeteria and their classrooms to get them acquainted with the facilities.
* Talk to your children about the upcoming school year; be positive and remind them of the friends they will meet, the new things they will learn
and the fun they will have.
* Continue to be involved in the school community as this is a great way to get to know your children’s teachers and other parents.
Secondary Students:
* If your teenagers are going to a new school, have them arrange a visit to learn where to find their classrooms, the gym, the library and the cafeteria so they will feel more comfortable on their first day.
* Encourage your teenagers to review their schedules and make an appointment with a school counsellor if there are any conflicts or mistakes.
* Have them practise the combination on their locks to ensure they know the combination and that the locks work properly.
* Work with your child, their teacher and principal to ensure courses, programs and graduation requirements are being met.
* Continue to be involved in the school community.
Public Affairs Bureau Ministry of Education