Going back to school, for some children in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) in Africa, will depend on bricks (to be made there) available for purchase here in B.C. Shiloh Place Orphanage needs to build two classrooms on their site this fall. Founder Chantal Kasongo (Coquitlam) hopes that local families will think of the needs of children in Lubumbashi, DRC, as well as of their own children returning to school this fall.
“We will need some 5,200 bricks to build two classrooms, each about 150 ft. square. Supporters in the DRC will supervise and assist with the building project for the orphanage and classes will be open to children from poor families in the nearby community.” Shelagh Armour-Godbolt, a Burnaby volunteer for Shiloh Place, notes that “making the bricks and building the classrooms will provide needed local employment during the project”.
Classrooms on the Shiloh Place site will mean children whose families are unable to afford tuition fees in the school system in the DRC can still receive an education to help them raise themselves and their families out of poverty.
When planning for your child’s or grandchild’s return to school this fall, will you consider donating some bricks for Shiloh’s classroom-to-be in the DRC? For a tax deductible receipt, (for donations $25 or more) make your cheque out to Umoja Operation Compassion Society, with Shiloh Place Orphanage in the memo line, and mail to Shiloh Place, #211 – 615 North Rd. Coquitlam BC V3J 1P1. To donate online, www.umojaoperation.ca/, go to Get Involved, then Donate and check – under Fund Desired – Shiloh Place Orphanage. For donations under $25, a cheque can be made out to Shiloh Place Orphanage with classroom in the memo line, and sent to the same address. Thank you – every dollar helps!
For more information about Shiloh Place or the classroom project, contact Chantal at siloplace@gmail.com or Shelagh at 604-415-9397, shelaghag@shaw.ca. Children in the DRC thank you for increasing their chance for an education!
By Shelagh Armour-Godbolt